Acquitted of Trafficking Meth

In the Shah Alam High Court, Venggadesvaran a/l Ravechandran and Bala Ganesh a/l Kaliswaran were acquitted of drug trafficking charges after four years. They were charged under Section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act for trafficking 102.24 grams of methamphetamine, an offense punishable by death or life imprisonment with at least 15 strokes of whipping if not sentenced to death.

The defense, represented by Dato’ Geethan Ram Vincent and Revin Kumar, argued that there was no evidence linking the accused to the drugs, as no fingerprints were found on the bag containing the substances. They also contended that the accused were unaware of the drugs and that other prosecution witnesses supported this claim. Eight prosecution witnesses, including Inspector Mahalim bin Mokhtar and his successor Inspector Linda binti Abdol Wahab, were called to testify.

Judge YA Dato’ Norsharidah Binti Awang acquitted the men at the close of the prosecution’s case, ruling that a prima facie case had not been established.